path: root/makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'makefile')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index b8478cc..e656e22 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
# @file
# @version 0.1
-scss = assets/scss/
-cli = node_modules/tachyons-cli/cli.js
-.PHONY = css
+css = assets/css
+.PHONY = css deps
SRC = $(addsuffix .css, $(addprefix $(scss), pretachyons tables))
-css: $(scss)tachyons.css
+css: $(css)/tailwind.css
-$(scss)tachyons.css: $(scss)pretachyons.css $(cli)
- $(cli) $< > $@
+$(css)/tailwind.css: $(css)/input.css | deps
+ npx tailwindcss -i $< -o $@
npm install
# end
7' href='#n137'>137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213
#!/usr/bin/guile \
-e main -s

 (ice-9 and-let-star)
 (ice-9 ftw)
 (ice-9 match)
 (ice-9 popen)
 (ice-9 regex)
 (logging logger)
 (logging port-log)
 (oop goops)
 (term ansi-color))

(define-syntax ->>
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ value) value)
    ((_ value (f ...) rest ...) (->> (f ... value) rest ...))
    ((_ value f rest ...) (->> (f value) rest ...))))

(define (ansi-color-log-formatter lvl time str)
  (let ((color (cond ((eq? lvl 'CRITICAL) 'RED)
                     ((eq? lvl 'WARN) 'YELLOW)
                     ((eq? lvl 'OK) 'GREEN))))
     (strftime "%F %H:%M:%S" (localtime time))
      (string-append " (" (symbol->string lvl) "): ") color 'BOLD)
     str "\n")))

(define (setup-logging)
  (let ((lgr (make <logger>))
        (std (make <port-log>
               #:port (current-output-port)
               #:formatter ansi-color-log-formatter)))

    ;; add the handler to our logger
    (add-handler! lgr std)

    ;; make this the application's default logger
    (set-default-logger! lgr)
    (open-log! lgr)))

(define (shutdown-logging)
  (flush-log)   ;; since no args, it uses the default
  (close-log!)  ;; since no args, it uses the default
  (set-default-logger! #f))

(define (expand-file f)
  ;; https://irreal.org/blog/?p=83
  (cond ((absolute-file-name? f) f)
        ((string=? (substring f 0 2) "~/")
         (let ((prefix (passwd:dir (getpwuid (geteuid)))))
           (string-append prefix (substring f 1 (string-length f)))))
        ((char=? (string-ref f 0) #\~)
         (let* ((user-end (string-index f #\/))
                (user (substring f 1 user-end))
                (prefix (passwd:dir (getpwnam user))))
           (string-append prefix (substring f user-end (string-length f)))))
        (else (string-append (getcwd) "/" f))))

(define (symlink? path)
   (eq? 'symlink (stat:type (lstat path)))))

(define (clean-file full-dest dry-run)
  (and-let* ((info (false-if-exception (lstat full-dest)))
             (type (stat:type info))
             (deleter (if (eq? type 'directory) rmdir delete-file))
             (task (if dry-run "Would delete" "Deleting"))
             (level (if dry-run 'INFO 'WARN)))
    (log-msg level (format #f "~a ~a: ~a" task type full-dest))
    (unless dry-run (deleter full-dest))))

(define (rm-tree path dry-run)
  (define (enter? a b c) #t)
  (define (down name stat result) result)
  (define (leaf name stat result)
    (clean-file name dry-run)
  (define up leaf)
  (define skip leaf)
  ;; Ignore unreadable files/directories but warn the user.
  (define (error name stat errno result)
    (log-msg 'WARN
             (format #f "~a: ~a: ~a~%"
                     errno name (strerror errno)))

  (file-system-fold enter? leaf down up skip error
                    (list 0)

(define (replace str pattern new)
  (regexp-substitute/global #f pattern str 'pre new 'post))

(define (make-dir-parents dir-path)
  (unless (access? dir-path F_OK)
    (make-dir-parents (dirname dir-path))
    (mkdir dir-path)))

(define (dot-replace str)
  (replace str "dot-" "."))

(define (config-links src target dry-run)
  (let ((src-path (expand-file src))
        (target-path (dot-replace (expand-file target))))
    (unless (and (symlink? target-path)
                 (equal? (readlink target-path) src-path))
      (rm-tree target-path dry-run)
      (make-dir-parents (dirname target-path))
      (symlink src-path target-path)
      (log-msg 'OK (string-append "  Symlink " src " <- " target-path)))))

(define (symlink-tree file-name target-path)
  "Tree recursively symlinks target-path->file-name. The goal is to
  have few symlinks, yet if in the target space there are some files
  then symlink the files not the dir"

  (define src-len (string-length file-name))
  (define (target-subfile path)
    (->> (substring path src-len)
         (string-append target-path)

  (define (enter? name stat result)
    (->> (target-subfile name)
         (eq? 'directory)

  (define (leaf name stat result)
    (config-links name (target-subfile name) #f)
    (set-car! result (1+ (car result)))

  (define (down name stat result)
    (log-msg 'INFO (format #f "Inspecting ~a" name ))
    (cons 0 result))

  (define (up name stat result)
    (let ((should-clear (->> (scandir (target-subfile name)
                                      (lambda (x)
                                        (not (member x (list "." "..")))))
                             (= (car result)))))
      (when should-clear (leaf name stat result))
      (list-set! result 1 (+ (cadr result) (if should-clear 1 0))))
    (cdr result))
  ;; Likewise for skipped directories.
  (define skip leaf)

  ;; Ignore unreadable files/directories but warn the user.
  (define (error name stat errno result)
    (log-msg 'WARN
             (format #f "~a: ~a: ~a~%"
                     errno name (strerror errno)))

  (file-system-fold enter? leaf down up skip error
                    (list 0)

(define (format-config-entry item)
   (format #t "[~a]~%" (car item))
   (format #t "~:{~a=~@{~a~^;~}~%~}~%" (cdr item)))

(define (mail-config)
  (log-msg 'INFO "Configuring mail")
  (log-msg 'INFO " Symlink mbsync")
  (config-links "mail/dot-mbsyncrc.personal" "~/.mbsyncrc" #f)
  (let* ((notmuch-config-file (expand-file "~/.notmuch-config"))
         (user-mail "hi@oscarnajera.com")
         ;; setting up notmuch config
          `((database (path  ,(expand-file "~/.mail")))
            (user (name  "Oscar Najera")
                  (primary_email  ,user-mail)
                  ,(cons 'other_email (delete user-mail emails)))
            (new (tags new)
                 (ignore .uidvalidity .mbsyncstate .directory))
            (search (exclude_tags deleted spam))
            (maildir (synchronize_flags true))
            (crypto (gpg_path gpg)))))
    (clean-file notmuch-config-file #f)
    (with-output-to-file notmuch-config-file
      (lambda ()
        (display "# -*- mode: conf-unix -*-\n# managed by dotfiles install\n")
        (for-each format-config-entry config)))
    (chmod notmuch-config-file #o400)))

(define (main args)
  (log-msg 'INFO "Symlink PIM")
  (config-links "calendars.conf" "~/.calendars.conf" #f)
  (symlink-tree "home-dots" "~/")
  (config-links "gnupg/gpg.conf" "~/.gnupg/gpg.conf" #f)
  (config-links "gnupg/gpg-agent.conf" "~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf" #f)
  (symlink-tree "config" "~/.config")
